Aids and Assists for Employee Recognition [2.5.4]
The following are readings, Web sites, and organizations that can assist behavioral health employers in providing effective recognition programs to employees:
The Carrot Principle. The Carrot Principle: How the Best Managers Use Recognition to Engage Their People, Retain Talent, and Accelerate Performance by Adrian Gostick, Adrian Robert Gostick, and Chester Elton describes the results of one of the most in-depth management studies ever undertaken. It shows definitively that the central characteristic of the most successful managers is that they provide their employees with frequent and effective recognition. The study included 200,000 people and took place over 10 years. The authors state that great recognition doesn't take much time – it can be done in a matter of moments – and it doesn't take large amounts of money.
Recognition at Work. The book,Recognition at Work: Crafting a Value-Added Rewards Program by G. Michael Barton, describes how to design and implement a recognition program. It provides many checklists, evaluation tools, and alternatives that would help any organization customize its approach to employee recognition.
Rewarding Your Team. The Mindtools article,
Rewarding Your Team: Learning Why Thank You is So Vital.
Total Rewards. The World at Work Total Rewards Program provides tools to the employer that may be used to attract, motivate, and retain employees.