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Orientation/Onboarding Intervention Strategies

Recruitment and Retention Toolkit   Orientation/Onboarding Intervention Strategies   Using the Buddy System for the Orientation of a New Employee 2.4.3

Using the Buddy System for the Orientation of a New Employee 2.4.3

Most new hires begin their first day on the job with excitement and enthusiasm. This initial enthusiasm can either be enhanced or destroyed, depending on the employee’s first impression of the organization. What happens during the first few days will determine an employee’s perception of the company and the staff he or she will be working with. Most formal orientations are a good start to creating a positive first impression, but even excellent ones leave new hires on their own afterwards. Employees are usually sent off to their department with only the busy supervisor to train them and answer their questions.

Using a buddy system can build a personal connection between the organization and the new hire. The goal is to promote a feeling of comfort and acceptance, and establish rapport quickly. Furthermore, the system allows the employee to feel part of the work group, gain more confidence, and become productive more quickly. Especially in organizations where supervisors are very busy and new hires may be hesitant to ask for additional help, the buddy system provides ongoing support to the employee beyond the formal orientation period. This continued support further enhances the positive impression that may have been created during orientation.

Additional information on using the buddy system for the orientation of a new employee is available through these resources:
  • What is an Orientation Buddy?   [2.4.3.a] 
  • Characteristics of a Good Orientation Buddy [2.4.3.b]
  • Is a Buddy System Right for Your Organization? [2.4.3.c] 

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