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Support: Dealing with Stress in the Workplace

Management Training [2.10.2f 13]

National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA)

The following is an excerpt from Stress and Burnout: A Prevention Handbook for the Alcohol and Other Drugs Workforce, by Natalie Skinner and Anne Roach from National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University: Adelaide, Australia.
Supervisors and managers have an important role to play in preventing and reducing stress and burnout. Individuals in these roles have direct influence over work characteristics such as distribution of workload, autonomy, work roles, and so on.
In addition, managers and supervisors represent the “human face” of an organization and have a significant influence on workplace culture. Therefore, it is important that managers and supervisors receive training on strategies to effectively identify and respond to stress and burnout. Key issues to be addressed in management training include:[1]
  • Recognizing the signs and symptoms of stress and burnout;
  • Understanding the causes and consequences of stress and burnout;
  • Understanding the impact of stress and burnout on organizational effectiveness and workers’ well being;
  • Identification of strategies to prevent and address stress and burnout (at an organizational and individual level); and
  • Increasing awareness of services and resources to assist with stress management and prevention.
For a comprehensive guide to professional development in the AOD field, refer to Pollard, Y. (2005).Worker Wellbeing. In N. Skinner, A.M. Roche, Y. Pollard, J. O’Connor & C. Todd (Eds.), Workforce Development TIPS (Theory Into Practice Strategies): A Resource Kit for the Alcohol
The chapter on Worker Wellbeing can be found Here.
The entire Workforce Development TIPS (Theory Into Practice Strategies): A Resource Kit for the Alcohol can be found Here.
See also the Supervision chapter.

[1] Jordan, J., Gurr, E., Tinline, G., Giga, S., Faragher, B., & Cooper, C. (2003). Beacons of excellence in stress prevention. Norwich, UK: Health and Safety Executive.

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