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Training Intervention Strategies

Reasons for Training

The key to efficient use of training dollars is to carefully define training needs in advance. There are many legitimate reasons to train employees, some of which include:
  1. To acquire fundamental skills or to obtain a credential needed to provide and bill for services
  2. To maintain these skills or keep credentials current
  3. To address specific deficiencies or gaps in performance
  4. To provide information and/or training on new techniques, systems, or policies
  5. To build teamwork, either within a department or across departments
  6. To cross-train staff to assist each other with job duties
  7. To allow staff to learn and share together with clients and their families
Often, training is done for several of these reasons. For example, a program to provide a credential in co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, attended by both mental health and substance abuse counselors in a metropolitan area, would not only qualify the counselors to receive the credential; it might help build teamwork across agencies, disseminate information about policies and systems within these agencies, address performance deficiencies in serving these clients, and of course develop essential skills in screening, referral, and treatment.

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