Image of a globe flanked by the text 'Resources for Recruitment and Retention, Support in the Workplace' and wrapped in a banner that says 'Plan It.'

Recruitment Intervention Strategies

Realistic Job Preview Case Study: The Washington Project

The following case study is adapted from the report Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Direct Service Workforce Demonstration Promising Practices in Marketing, Recruitment and Selection Interventions. The report was prepared by the University of Minnesota, Research and Training Center on Community Living in partnership with The Lewin Group.
The Washington Project Interim Report
“The Washington project created and implemented a realistic job preview (RJP) to help providers of behavioral health services decide whether an individual was a good match for their open position. The project’s web site includes detailed information about position responsibilities. A complete description of the role of an individual provider and the process of being hired from the project’s referral registry is provided. One component of the RJP process is a 16-item self assessment that helps applicants decide how compatible they are with the role of providing in-home care. In addition, a video was created that describes the role of individual providers. The video is shown in some regions to applicants in a course called, “Becoming a Professional Independent Provider.”
The Final Report on the Case Studies [2.2.1.i.4] provides information from the evaluation and follow up completed in 2008.

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