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Training Intervention Strategies

Job descriptions

Up-to-date job descriptions provide a means for planning ongoing “refresher” training as well as provide training that enhance skills. Some employers find it helpful to maintain matrices that allow them to identify employees who perform specific job functions easily in the event that related requirements change (for example, adoption of a new screening instrument or changes in insurance eligibility); for others, this is unnecessary. Analysis of job descriptions should enable you as an employer to plan a regular schedule of training to maintain a high standard of performance. For more information on conducting analysis of job description and writing accurate job descriptions, see the following resources that include: 
  • What is Job Analysis?is a section in Building a Recruitment and Retention Plan chapter that provides a definition of what job analysis and links to tools and resources available for job analysis.
  • Job Analysis Toolis a section in Building a Recruitment and Retention Plan chapter that provides links to resources such as sample job descriptions, how to use job analysis, and tools to write a job description for professionals working in mental health, prevention, and behavioral health care.
  • Write an Accurate Job Descriptionis a section in Building a Recruitment and Retention Plan chapter that guides you through three tasks to use information gathered through job analysis and turn it into a job description.
  • Job Description Makeovers – this short article describe findings of a study where recent college graduates reviewed job descriptions from five industry fields and rated which ones stood out and why.
In some cases, agencies find they lack effective training to orient employees on specific organizational procedures or processes. Depending on the complexity of the requirement, they may approach the need by a mentoring program, manual development, new employee orientation, job aids, or actual training. For more information on how to address training needs and to select an approach, see the following resources that include:
  • Options for Addressing Training Needs – is a section in Training Intervention Strategies that explores and provides information and resources on the wide variety of training delivery methods and strategies available as well as provides information on alternatives to traditional training.
  • Selecting Your Approach – is a section in Training Intervention Strategies that presents factors that need to be considered and weighed before selecting a training program appropriate for your organization and staffs’ development needs.
  • Designing and Developing Customized Training – is a section in Training Intervention Strategies that provides information on the factors to consider in developing a customized training program.
For additional information on how to conduct a job description analysis, there are several resources that include the following:
  • Methods to Conduct a Job Analysis – is a section in Building a Recruitment and Retention Plan chapter that provides information on three traditional job analysis methods that can help you determine which method, or combination of methods, is best suited for your organization.
  • Who Should Be Involved in Job Analysis? – is a section in Building a Recruitment and Retention Plan chapter that provides a list of individuals (not always employees) who possess knowledge about the job position that should be considered for involvement in the job analysis process.
  • Additional Resources to Help with Job Analysis – is a section in Building a Recruitment and Retention Plan chapter that offers a list of online and other resources related to core competencies, certification, licensing, and credentialing; key attributes of personnel and occupations; and uniform professional and legal guidelines for employee selection. 
  •  Analyze the Selected Job Position Quick Tool – is a section in Building a Recruitment and Retention Plan chapter that provides detailed instructions through a series of five tasks to assist in Job Analysis.

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